In this ever evolving world of distractions, it's more important than ever to find the time to recharge - away from our digital devices so we can get into our hearts and out of our heads. A sitting meditation for some can be a challenge. We hear often "I don't know how to meditate" or "meditation is hard for me" -- it's totally ok if you feel the same way, they don't call it meditation "practice" for nothing!
The good news is you don't have to be a seasoned meditation guru to get some headspace time for yourself to recharge and forget about that to-do list.
We are creative beings by nature and all have unique creative outlets we enjoy such as painting, sculpting, drawing and sewing to name a few. When was the last time you sat down and created something? If it's been a while we highly suggest to set aside some time, and pull out those markers, pencils, old sketchbooks and notebooks -- and tap back into your inner child.
Here are some tips to get into your creative meditative flow
Put your Phone on Airplane Mode and out of Sight!
It's so easy for this little device to drift our attention off into never never land, you think you're just texting one person back... and the next thing you've entered a black hole on social media. Put your phone away - you deserve it!
Get Your Art Supplies Ready
Whatever art medium you're choosing to do is perfectly perfect. If you're reading this and can't seem to think what on earth you will create, or don't have art supplies -- grab a piece of paper, your journal, pens, crayons, pencils, it does not have to be a big art production.
Set a Timer 20, 30, 60 Minutes - Whatever space you want to give yourself.
We highly suggest getting a sand hour-glass to keep track of your time. It's a great way to keep track of your creative time, away from a clock. You can find various timed hourglasses on Etsy such as this one here that is handblown from a small business in California.
Play Music that Inspires You and Feels Good
Put on that one playlist that gives you all the feels, and uplifts your mood. Try avoiding any songs with lyrics that feel heavy or not conducive to a flow state. If you want to get up and dance and create at the same time - the better!
Create & Breathe
This is YOU time, bring your attention only to what you're creating, if thoughts come...simply let them come, then go like leaves on a river just passing by until they disappear. Bring your MIND to your creation, notice your breath coming and going and focus only on your artwork - that is all that matters in this very moment.
Be Gentle and Kind - No Negative Self Talk
It's totally about the journey not the end artwork result. Remember when you were a child and you drew an animal - and were SO proud of it? Tap back into that energy of fun and flow no matter what you are creating.
Finish with a Feeling of Self-Love
Once the creative time slot you gave yourself is over, take a moment to observe your creation with eyes of love. You took this time for yourself and that is amazing! You ignited your inner child and gave yourself permission to create, breath and be mindfully present with your artwork creation.